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Living Easy with Lindsey

Aug 24, 2020

Five time Grammy-nominated artist, Matthew West, is talking with Lindsey Maestas today about how listening well has changed the way he does music and the impact that powerful stories have had on his own life.


Matthew gets honest and discusses his own personal struggles with insecurity and empty striving in spite of his platform and success. They also talk about the important differentiation between seeking God’s will and seeking God’s stamp of approval on our will.


Matthew West shares about his experience writing songs for esteemed artists like Rascal Flatts, Casting Crowns and Vince Gill and also sings to us as he shares one of the most powerful stories that impacted his music. 


We check in about his new and exciting project, The Matthew West Podcast, and he shares why he decided to pursue this new venture. 


Follow along with Matthew on Instagram @matthewjwest


Follow along with The Living Easy Podcast on Instagram @livingeasywithlindsey


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Lindsey Maestas is the host of The Living Easy Podcast and discusses faith, truth and relationships while never shying away from the hard and uncomfortable topics.


Lindsey has two mottos: 'You Are More Than Your Mess' and 'Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes' and she speaks to moms, wives and girls about how to pursue righteousness and true joy while making real, lasting changes.


Go to to be a part of Lindsey's monthly Coffee Dates via Zoom where she and other girls in the Living Easy community get together to talk about faith, relationships and real life.