Mar 7, 2023
SALE!: Schedule your 50% off
Personal Business Coaching Session with Lindsey: Limited spots
are available - doors close soon!
Schedule your time today for this limited sale and
get 1.5 hours of FULL access via Zoom to Lindsey's tips for
social media growth, online courses, traveling for free, brand
deals, how to become a content creator from scratch, get her
analysis of your business or social media platforms, and so much
Get the Permanently
Profitable Business Academy | 10 Modules to Become a 6-Figure
Content Creator
In today's conversation, Lindsey discusses the damage that pride
can have on our marriages and our friendships
and why pride may be the
deadliest of the 7 deadly sins. She discusses why
God hates pride, and why the world's rhetoric of "self-love",
"self-consumption" and "self-care" causes excessive loneliness more
than it brings peace.
We all struggle with pride as Christians and pride lead to
selfishness and a lack of neighborly love.
Lindsey challenges her listeners to evaluate their own hearts in
finding fault in others - whether seek unconditional love and
selflessness and to be quick to apologize and acknowledge
Join thousands of other women in becoming a godly wife: Register for The Wife Project: From Roommates to
Follow along with Lindsey @livingeasywithlindsey for more like
Book Recommendation: Crazy Love by Francis Chan