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Living Easy with Lindsey

Dec 7, 2020

Caroline Harries has been battling infertility for 8 years and deeply desires to grow her family. On today's episode, she shares her own story, offers practical wisdom in our Q&A style interview and discusses her unwavering faith in God's plan for women struggling with infertility.


I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to discuss such a REAL and difficult topic with a woman who has been in the thick of the loneliness and heartache that infertility brings, yet continues to lead women with faith and hope in Jesus' perfect plan for their lives.


Caroline Harries founded Moms in the Making: a faith-based fertility support group. She continues to believe for her own miracle of children & is so passionate about cheering other women on while also giving them that sense of comfort and understanding that they need in a season of waiting, pain and loneliness.


I asked Caroline questions that came directly from women who are currently struggling with infertility. She answers questions like:


Is infertility from God?
Am I not fit to be a mother?
When did you accept the fact that it’s time to stop trying?
What are some things that people have done or said in the midst of your infertility that actually helped? And what hurt?
We also discuss IVF, adoptions, God’s faithfulness and so much more.


Follow along with Caroline Harries on Instagram @trustinginduetime and @momsinthemaking.


Follow along with her podcast: A Cup Full of Hope Podcast



Follow along with Lindsey on Instagram @livingeasywithlindsey for tons of honest and heart-challenging posts about faith & relationships, scripture, quotes and encouragement that will call you up in your day-to-day! 


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Lindsey Maestas is the host of The Living Easy Podcast and discusses faith, truth and relationships while never shying away from the hard and uncomfortable topics.


Lindsey has two mottos: 'You Are More Than Your Mess' and 'Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes' and she speaks to moms, wives and girls about how to pursue righteousness and true joy while making real, lasting changes.


Go to to be a part of Lindsey's monthly Coffee Dates via Zoom where she and other girls in the Living Easy community get together to talk about faith, relationships and real life.