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Living Easy with Lindsey

Jun 29, 2020

On Part Two of our Postpartum Psychosis with Lindsey Barnsley, she is discussing her experience in the psychiatric hospital. She talks about her theory about The Pope, her belief that construction workers were carpenters from the Bible and what she believed she escaped from.


She talks about her experience with...

Jun 22, 2020

My real life friend, Lindsey Barnsley, is sharing her vulnerable experience as a normal momma with a newborn - going about her daily routine - to days later being in a mental institution for postpartum psychosis.


She shares about the hallucinations that she had, the lies that she believed - which included a sex...

Jun 15, 2020

Studies show that men playing video games is cited as a cause in 15% of divorce cases. But video games aren't the only struggle - sports, time with friends cars and other hobbies can all create difficulty if not handled wisely.


Marriage takes compromise - and that includes finding balance in activities that each...

Jun 8, 2020

My life was messy for a long time. Jumping from relationship to relationship, sexual promiscuity, unhealthy friendships and a heck of a lot of hurt. But God. 


On today's episode, I share my story in detail in hopes of reminding other girls and women that they aren't alone and that God does have a future and a hope...

Jun 1, 2020

Amanda Ferguson bares her soul in this conversation about her messy childhood. She discusses how she learned, at a very young age, to numb her emotions and to not discuss the things that made her uncomfortable.


She longed for a healthy relationship with her father as she watched her dad cook drugs in her kitchen...